Overview: In this milestone, you will submit the implementation plan for your project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Phase II—Implementation A. Implementation Pla

Overview: In this milestone, you will submit the implementation plan for your project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Phase II—Implementation A. Implementation Plan: Provide a comprehensive plan for implementation that includes the following: i. Target area or intended population and established goals ii. The timeline and implementation milestones of the initiative […]

In this milestone, you will submit your communication and evaluation plan for your project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II. Phase II—Communication Plan A. Communic

In this milestone, you will submit your communication and evaluation plan for your project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II. Phase II—Communication Plan A. Communication and Management Strategy: Your total communication plan should address the strategies and practices you will employ to communicate to the proper stakeholders at the proper times. In […]

IDS 402 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric Wellness, You, and Society Overview: In Final Project Part Two, you will develop a multimedia presentation in which you will have a chance to reflect on w

IDS 402 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric Wellness, You, and Society Overview: In Final Project Part Two, you will develop a multimedia presentation in which you will have a chance to reflect on what you have learned about your issue or event, yourself, and wellness through analyzing its impact on society. You will also be […]

For this fourth milestone, you will analyze your issue or event in wellness through the lenses of the natural and applied sciences and the social sciences. Like Milestone Two, this task provides you w

For this fourth milestone, you will analyze your issue or event in wellness through the lenses of the natural and applied sciences and the social sciences. Like Milestone Two, this task provides you with an opportunity to dive deeper into your analysis of the issue or event through these two lenses.   Overview: For the […]