Module 2 VIDEO Assignment (VAL) Effects of COVID-1 Examine Nursing Assignment Help

Module 2 VIDEO Assignment (VAL) Effects of COVID-1 Examine how COVID-19 affected people’s lives in different ways. Present your findings in a 3-5 minute video presentation that includes visuals (PowerPoint or similar). INSTRUCTIONS: ·         The slides are to be clear and concise and you will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.  ·         The […]

Calculate the incidence, prevalence, mortality rate, and case fatality for females using the provided data. Calculations should not be age-specific. Use the data given to you to obtain an overall val

Calculate the incidence, prevalence, mortality rate, and case fatality for females using the provided data.  Calculations should not be age-specific. Use the data given to you to obtain an overall value for females for each of the four calculations listed above.  Incidence =. # of ppl who get disease during time period/# of people free […]