HTH 2303 Pathophysiology **Unit I Discussion Part II: One day, it may well be that an analysis of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) will become part of your medical history. Insurance companies want to

HTH 2303 Pathophysiology **Unit I Discussion Part II: One day, it may well be that an analysis of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) will become part of your medical history. Insurance companies want to access that data to determine risk for certain illnesses. The companies already demand and have access to your medical history; is this […]

HTH 2303 Pathophysiology Unit III Discussion It has been shown that vaginal infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV) increases a woman’s risk to develop cervical cancer. HPV is the virus that ca

HTH 2303 Pathophysiology Unit III Discussion It has been shown that vaginal infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV) increases a woman’s risk to develop cervical cancer. HPV is the virus that causes warts. Vaccines have been developed to help the immune system deal with the infection, and the vaccines lower the risk for cervical […]

HTH 2303 Unit VI Discussion Board Question Some athletes take performance enhancing drugs (PEDs); frequently, it is testosterone or similar androgens. All sports governing authorities prohibit use of

HTH 2303 Unit VII Discussion Board Question Olympic regulations require that transgender females have been on estrogen at least a year and have testosterone levels below a certain level. However, that level is still higher than what most females have. Do you think this is fair to women? Explain why or why not. HCA 3302 […]