Pediatric Nursing Questions

  • A 10-year-old who is receiving chemotherapy has received Odansetron ( Zofran) before this therapy session. About an hour later, the child tells the nurse that his mouth feels really dry. The child has urinated several times and his skin turgor is normal. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

2. After teaching the parents of a 6-year-old child about caring for a sprained wrist, which statement by the parents indicates the need for additional teaching?

3. A grandparents of a 3-month old infant asks the nurse what kind of toys they should purchase to have in their home when the infant grandchild comes to visit. Which should the nurse not recommend for purchase at this time?

4. After returning from cardiac catheterization, the nurse determines that the pulse distal to the catheter insertion site is weaker. The nurse should do which of the following?

5. When planning care for a child with ketoacidosis, which consideration is highest in priority?

6.The nurse is discussing the risks and benefits of vaccines with a family, and must secure signed, informed consent for the children to be immunized. The nurse emphasizes that which of the following reactions to vaccines is very rare?

7. A child with rhabdomyosarcoma is to undergo radiation therapy after surgical removal of the tumor. The parents should be taught to:

8. The parent of a child with AIDS tells the nurse they are confused about whether or not their child can be immunized The nurse would be most correct in advising these parents that there child with AIDS:

9. When discussing alopecia with a child who is receiving chemotherapy, the nurse should instruct the child and family:

10. A healthcare provider tells the nurse that a certain medication will be prescribed for a client. After the prescription is written, the nurse notes that the provider has prescribed another medication that sounds similar to the medication that the provider and nurse originally discussed. What action should the nurse implement? .

11. When caring for a17- year old athlete who is scheduled for a leg amputation for treatment of osteosarcoma, what should the nurse’s approach include:

12. Which school related activity might the school nurse prohibit for a child with asthma ?

13. A 6-year-old child is being admitted with newly diagnosed acute lymphocytic leukemia. The multidisciplinary team is meeting to plan care for this child and family. Which statement by the parents should receive priority in the nursing planning process?

14. Probably the most important criterion on which to base the decision to report suspected child abuse is which of the following?

15. The nurse is teaching a adolescent diabetic client how to self-administer a subcutaneous injection. To help ensure sterility of the procedure, which subject is most important for the nurse to include in the teaching plan?

16. Provider’s Order: Procaine Penicillin G 180,000 Units IM x 1 dose, STAT

a. Child’s weight: 8 lb

b. Dispensed as: Penicillin G 300,000 Units/ml

c. Recommended daily dose: 50,000 Units/kg IM every 24 hours

Based on the recommended daily dose, is the order appropriate based on the child’s weight?

If it is outside of the recommended daily dose range, what should you do, next?

If the dosage is within the recommended range, how many milliliters will you administer?

17. A child had an appendectomy after a ruptured appendix. The nurse anticipates orders for which interventions? Select all that apply.

18. Following the administration of morphine sulfate 10 mg IV to a pediatric client in pain, the nurse determines that the client’s respirations are six breaths per minute. What action should the nurse take first?

19. A teenager is accompanied by the mother to the annual physical examination. The nurse is aware of privacy issues related to the teenager. While the mother is in the room, the nurse should avoid questions about which of the following? Select all that apply.

20. The RN observes a nursing student entering a toddler’s room to check vital signs and begins to take the child’s temperature first. The RN should:

21. The child with asthma reports to the school nurse, who checks the child’s peak expiratory flow rate and finds that it reads 84% of personal best. Which interpretation by the nurse would be best:

22. A child has been diagnosed with a Wilms’ tumor; preoperative nursing care would involve:

23. A school-age client that is morbidly obese is receiving an intramuscular injection at the ventrogluteal site. At what angle should the nurse insert the needle?

24. A female teen volunteer is assigned to the pediatric unit for the day and reports to the charge nurse for an assignment. Which of the following assignments is unsafe for the volunteer?

An inf An infant with Tetralogy of Fallot experiences a hypercyanotic spell during a IV insertion. While simultaneously administering 100% oxygen by face mask to the infant the nurse should also:



Question 26

0.3333 out of 1 points

25. A 7 year old has been admitted to the pediatric unit with a fractured femur. Which of the following behaviors would the nurse expect the client to exhibit? (Select all that apply.)

26. The nurse is planning to withdraw 10 ml of urine from the port on the tubing of a client’s indwelling catheter to obtain a urine specimen. In which order should the nurse implement these ctions? (Arrange from first on top to last on the bottom.)

1) Place in a biohazard bag.

2) Label the urine specimen.

3) Clamp the drainage tubing.

4) Document the procedure.

27. Which statement is most therapeutic for the nurse to offer to a family of a child who has just died?

28. The nurse is conducting discharge teaching with the parent of a 7-year-old with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following statements by the parent would indicate a correct understanding of the teaching?

29. The mother of an 8-year-old child with a chronic illness and tracheotomy is rooming-in during this hospitalization. The mother insists on providing all of the child’s care and tells the nurse how to care for the child. The nurse should recognize that the mother plays which function when planning this child’s care?

30. The nurse is planning postoperative care for an infant after a cleft-lip repair. The plan should include

31. The nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for surgery in 2 hours. The parent tells the nurse, The doctor came by to tell me a lot of stuff that I didn’t understand, but I signed the papers for my child to have surgery anyway.” To fulfill the role of advocate, which action should the nurse implement?

32. A adolescent client with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) is given a new prescription for a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). The client asks the nurse, “How is this medication different from the acetaminophen

33. I have been taking?” Which information about the therapeutic action of NSAIDs should the nurse provide?

34. A young adult female is brought to the emergency room by family members who report that she ingested a large quantity of acetaminophen (Tylenol). The nurse should prepare for which treatment to be implemented?

35. The 9-year-old is hospitalized for neutropenia and is placed in reverse isolation. The child asks the nurse, “Why do you have to wear a gown and mask when you are in my room?” How should the nurse respond?

36. The nurse observes a nursing student using lemon glycerin swabs for cleansing mucosal ulcers in a child receiving chemotherapy. The nurse should

37. An assistive personnel on the pediatric unit brings to the nurse’s attention several clients’ vital signs. Which of the following clients should the nurse plan to assess first?

38. The nurse should be aware postural drainage is useful for three of the following respiratory conditions Which condition is not usually treated with postural drainage?

39. The nurse is caring for a 9-month-old who just returned from the PACU after a shunt placement for hydrocephalus. Which of the following physician’s orders would the nurse question?

40. The normal dose range for erythromycin, an antibiotic, is 30-50 mg/kg po in divided doses q6h. The physician ordered 250 mg po q6h for a child who weighs 30 kg. Is this a safe dose for this child? ________.

41. A newborn with patent ductus arteriosus is scheduled to receive indomethacin. The nurse administers this medication to:

42. 6-year-old has had a viral infection for the past 5 days and is now having severe vomiting, confusion, and irritability, although he is now afebrile. During the assessment, the nurse should ask the parent which of the following questions?

43. The nurse is administering packed red blood cells to a child with sickle-cell disease (SCD). The nurse knows that a transfusion reaction will most likely occur:

44. A 2 year old postoperative patients IV has infiltrated, and has to be restarted immediately for medication There is no time for placing local anaesthetic cream on the skin. What other complementary therapies would be most helpful when placing this IV?

45.A nursing supervisor assigns a float nurse in an adult medical/surgical unit to work in a pediatric unit. This is the nurses first time in a pediatric setting. Which of the following is an appropriate assignment for the nurse?

46. A mother brings her 4-week-old infant for the first well-child visit and tells the nurse that the baby is not smiling. Which information should the nurse provide?

47. A toddler is scheduled for a myringotomy and tympanostomy tube insertion. Which statement by the mother would best indicate she has understood the surgeons explanation of this procedure ?

48. The parents of newborn with ventricular septal defect ask why their baby is sent home instead of undergoing immediate open heart surgery. The nurse’s best response is:

49. A nurse is caring for an 8-year-old client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever. Which of the following nursing assessments is most important immediately after admission?

50. A 4-year-old has been diagnosed with amblyopia. The nurse who is providing the parents with information about this diagnosis should include which of the following items of information?

51.The prescriber ordered 68 mcg po of digoxin (Lanoxin). Is this a safe dose for an infant who weighs 6.8 kg, and the recommended dose is 10 mcg/kg?

52. A adolescent female client is angry due to separation from her infant at homewith relatives and is leaving the hospital against medical advice (AMA). However the client demands to take her chart with her and states the chart is “hers” and she doesn’t want any more contact with the hospital. How should the nurse respond?

53. The nurse is teaching the parents of a group of cardiac patients. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in her/his teaching session with the parents?

54. Which of the following would be included in the care of an infant in heart failure?

55. A child in the ED weighing 44 pounds is receiving a bolus of Ringer’s Lactate solution for fluid replacement at 20 ml/kg. How many ml should the nurse administer?

56. A graduate nurse (GN) tells the RN preceptor, “I need to insert a nasogastric tube, and though I was checked off on this procedure in my nursing school’s simulation lab, I have never inserted one on a real person.” How should the preceptor respond?

57. A graduate nurse (GN) tells the RN preceptor, “I need to insert a nasogastric tube, and though I was checked off on this procedure in my nursing school’s simulation lab, I have never inserted one on a real person.” How should the preceptor respond?

58. A school nurse identifies that a child has pediculosis capitis and educates the child’s parents about the
condition. Which of the following statements by the parents indicates an understanding of the teaching?

59. About mid-morning, a 10-year-old child reports to the school nurse complaining of nausea, dizziness, and chills. Further assessment reveals that this child is sweating profusely and has a blood glucose level of 57 mg/dl. Based on these assessment findings, which food is best for the nurse to encourage the child to eat?

60. The recommended dose of Dilantin for a child is 5 mg/kg/24 hours given every 12 hours (weight: 11 pounds). The medication is supplied in 250 mg/10 mL.

How many milliliters will be administered for each dose? _______ml/dose

61. A child with a history of seizures arrives in the Emergency Department in status epilepticus. The nurse’s initial response is to:

62. A toddler with Kawasaki’s disease is ordered to receive aspirin therapy. The nurse knows that medication therapy with aspirin will follow which principle?

63. Which medication should the nurse expect to administer to a child admitted with sickle-cell pain?

64. A child with sickle cell anemia (SCA) develops severe chest and back pain, fever, a cough, and dyspnea. The first action by the nurse is to:

65. A nurse gives a patient a narcotic and now must leave the unit . To whom shouldlthe nurse delegate the task of evaluating the client’s response to the pain ?medication?

66. To avoid making a medication error when administering digoxin to a child, the nurse should always:

67. The nurse works in an oncology clinic. A preschool-age child is being seen in the clinic, and the nurse anticipates a diagnosis of cancer. The nurse prepares for which of the common reactions preschool-age children have following illnesses and hospitalizations?</P>



68. Which of the following should the nurse include when teaching the mother of a 9-month-old infant about administering liquid iron preparations?

69.A charge nurse is making a room assignment for a client who has scabies. In which of the following rooms should the nurse place the client?

70. After years of treatment with chemotherapy and radiation, a child with a brain tumor is shown to be refractory to treatment, and a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) has been obtained. The mother has reached the stage of acceptance; the father is angry that the medical and nursing team has not been able to “save” his child. How would the multidisciplinary team best .

71. The parents of infant with developmental dysplasia of the hip tell the nurse, “I know that the Pavlik harness is unbearable for our baby”. The nurse should reply”

72. The nurse determines that parents understood instructions about the care of the child with atopic dermatitis (eczema) after the parent states that the child should:

73.When caring for a child diagnosed with aplastic anemia, the nurse would educate the parents regarding which common symptoms?

74.What should the nurse recommend to prevent urinary tract infections in young girls?

75. The parents of a child with sickle cell anemia (SCA) are concerned about subsequent children having the disease. The nurse should know that:

76. The nurse is teaching the family of a child, age 8 years, with moderate hemophilia about home care. The initial therapy for a joint injury is:

77. Which nursing action is the most appropriate when applying a face mask to a child for oxygen therapy?

78. Which of the following best describes the primary goals of therapeutic management for a child with congestive heart failure?

79. Which task should the nurse have the AP perform first?

80. The nurse is caring for a 6-year-old child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The parent states, “My child has a low platelet count and we are being discharged this afternoon. What do I need to do at home?” Which of the following statements would be most appropriate for the nurse to make?

83. Which action should the nurse take first when performing tracheostomy care?

84.A child age 6 years has patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for pain management after orthopedic surgery. The parents are worried that their child will be in pain. Your explanation to the parents should include:

85. The nurse is providing care for a 6-year-old boy who has a broken arm and multiple bruises. The boy tells the nurse that his father was mad and broke his arm so the boy remembers to be good. What is the best nursing action?

86. The nurse obtains the pulse rate of 80 beats/minute for an infant before administering digoxin (Lanoxin). Which action should the nurse take?

87. A child with suspected leukemia is scheduled for a bone marrow aspiration. The nurse should teach three of the following points about this procedure. Which should the nurse not teach the child?

86.A client is prescribed a STAT dose of IV insulin. Which vial should the nurse select to prepare the dose?

87. To treat UTI , a 14-day course of treatment with cephalexin (Ceclor) is prescribed for a child. Which action is most important for the nurse to take prior to administering the first dose of this medication?

88. In assessing a child with Kawasaki’s disease, the nurse should recognize that the childhood communicable disease that poses the greatest danger for this child is:

89. The parents of a 5-year-old are concerned because their child showed more outward grief when a pet died than when a sibling died from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). What response should the nurse provide?

90. During A newborn assessment, a systolic blood pressure that is higher in the legs than in the arms is suggestive of which of the following findings

91. Which documentation indicates that the nurse correctly evaluated a school -age child pain medication effectiveness after administration? The client

92. The nurse is teaching an adolescent girl with scoliosis about a Milwaukee brace which her healthcare provider has prescribed. Which instruction is accurate?

93. A 7-year-old with a head injury is hospitalized after losing consciousness when he was hit in the head with a bat at baseball practice. The child was not wearing a helmet. The last set of vital signs showed heart rate 48, BP 148/74, respiratory rate 28 and irregular. What does the nurse suspect these findings indicate

94. Parents are told that their infant has a hypoplastic left heart. What is the type of education that would be included for this family?

95.Physician’s order: Calcitriol (Rocaltrol) 0.04 mcg/kg po daily is order for your patient in Chronic Renal Failure:

The label reads 1 mcg/mL. How many milliliters will you prepare f




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Expert Solution Preview

As a medical professor, it is important to provide comprehensive answers to various scenarios encountered by medical college students. These questions will require the application of medical knowledge, critical thinking, and decision-making skills.

Answer to question 1:
The most appropriate response by the nurse to the child who complains of a dry mouth after receiving Odansetron is to provide the child with sips of water or ice chips to moisten the mouth. Dry mouth is a common side effect of Odansetron, and it can be managed by increasing fluid intake. It is essential to encourage the child to drink fluids to prevent dehydration, and assessment of the child’s hydration status should be done regularly.

Answer to question 2:
If the parents of a child with a sprained wrist ask the nurse if they can apply heat to the injured area, it indicates the need for additional teaching. Heat should not be applied to a sprained wrist as it can increase swelling and inflammation. The recommended approach is to apply ice or a cold compress to the affected area to alleviate pain and reduce swelling.

Answer to question 3:
The nurse should not recommend purchasing toys with small parts or those that can easily break or be swallowed by the infant. It is important to ensure that the toys purchased do not pose a choking hazard or harm the infant in any way. Soft toys that are easy to wash and sanitize are recommended for infants.

Answer to question 4:
If the nurse notices a weaker pulse distal to the catheter insertion site after a cardiac catheterization, the nurse should immediately notify the healthcare provider. This could indicate a potential problem with circulation, and immediate intervention may be required to prevent complications.

Answer to question 5:
The highest priority consideration when planning care for a child with ketoacidosis is to maintain adequate hydration and electrolyte balance. This can be achieved through the administration of fluids and electrolyte replacement therapy. Monitoring the child’s blood glucose levels and correcting acidosis is also important.

Answer to question 6:
The nurse should emphasize that severe reactions to vaccines are very rare. All vaccines have the potential to cause mild to moderate side effects, such as fever, pain, or redness at the injection site. However, severe allergic reactions or other serious adverse events are very rare.

Answer to question 7:
The parents of a child with rhabdomyosarcoma who are preparing for radiation therapy after surgical removal of the tumor should be taught to protect the affected area from injury, avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, and keep the skin clean and dry. The child should also be encouraged to wear loose-fitting clothing and avoid tight or constricting clothing that could irritate the affected area.

Answer to question 8:
Children with AIDS may not be able to receive certain types of vaccines, such as live vaccines, due to their weakened immune system. However, they can still receive most vaccines, including inactivated or killed vaccines. The nurse should educate the parents on the types of vaccines their child can receive and when they should be administered.

Answer to question 9:
When discussing alopecia with a child who is receiving chemotherapy, the nurse should instruct the child and family that hair loss is temporary and may grow back after chemotherapy is completed. They can use gentle shampoos and avoid excessive brushing to avoid further hair loss. The child should also be encouraged to wear hats or scarfs and avoid direct sunlight.

Answer to question 10:
If the nurse notices a discrepancy between the prescribed medication and the medication discussed with the healthcare provider, the nurse should clarify the prescription with the provider before administering it to the client. This ensures that the client receives the appropriate medication and dose.

Answer to question 11:
When caring for a 17-year-old athlete who is scheduled for a leg amputation for the treatment of osteosarcoma, the nurse’s approach should include addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of the client. The nurse should provide education and support for the client and family, promote pain management, and ensure that adequate resources are available for prosthetic care and rehabilitation.

Answer to question 12:
The school nurse may prohibit high-intensity exercise or physical activities that can trigger an asthma attack, such as running long distances, participating in contact sports, or exposure to certain environmental triggers. The nurse should work with the child’s parents and healthcare provider to develop an individualized asthma action plan and identify appropriate activities for the child.

Answer to question 13:
The statement from the parents that should receive priority in the nursing planning process when planning care for a 6-year-old child with newly diagnosed acute lymphocytic leukemia is their understanding of the child’s diagnosis and treatment plan. The nurse should ensure that the parents have accurate information about the child’s condition, treatment options, and potential side effects.

Answer to question 14:
The most important criterion on which to base the decision to report suspected child abuse is the safety and well-being of the child. If there is reasonable suspicion or evidence of child abuse or neglect, the nurse has a legal and ethical obligation to report it to the appropriate authorities.

Answer to question 15:
To help ensure sterility of the procedure when teaching an adolescent diabetic client how to self-administer a subcutaneous injection, the nurse should emphasize the importance of proper hand hygiene, preparation, and disposal techniques. The client should be instructed to clean the injection site with an alcohol swab, use a new needle and syringe for each injection, and dispose of used needles and syringes properly.

Answer to question 16:
Based on the child’s weight, the recommended daily dose is 180,000 Units IM every 24 hours. The order is appropriate for the child’s weight, and the nurse should administer 0.6 ml of Penicillin G (180,000 Units/300,000 Units/ml).

Answer to question 17:
The nurse should anticipate orders for interventions such as pain management, antibiotic therapy, wound care, mobility exercises, respiratory monitoring, and discharge planning.

Answer to question 18:
The nurse should immediately assess the client’s airway, breathing, and oxygen saturation. If the client’s respirations continue to decrease, the nurse should consider administering naloxone and inform the healthcare provider.

Answer to question 19:
The physician’s order to elevate the head of the bed for a client with hydrocephalus is contraindicated as it can increase intracranial pressure. The nurse should clarify the order with the healthcare provider.

Answer to question 20:
The RN should intervene and redirect the nursing student to wash their hands before approaching the client or performing any other care. Hand hygiene is the most important way to prevent the spread of infection in healthcare settings.

Answer to question 21:
An interpretation of 84% of personal best for peak expiratory flow rate in a child with asthma indicates that the child is experiencing mild to moderate airway obstruction. The nurse should provide the child with quick-relief medications and monitoring to prevent the exacerbation of symptoms.

Answer to question 22:
Preoperative nursing care for a child with Wilms’ tumor includes ensuring that the child is well hydrated, administering medications as prescribed, monitoring vital signs, and facilitating emotional and psychological support for the child and family.

Answer to question 23:
The nurse should insert the needle at a 90-degree angle into the ventrogluteal site for an intramuscular injection in an obese school-age child.

Answer to question 24:
Assigning the volunteer to administer medications is unsafe. Only licensed healthcare professionals can administer medications.

Answer to question 25:
The expected behaviors of a 7-year-old client with a fractured femur include pain, discomfort, immobility, and fear. The nurse should provide adequate pain management, assist with mobility, and address the emotional needs of the child.

Answer to question 26:
The order of actions should be as follows: 1) Clamp the drainage tubing. 2) Clean the port with an antiseptic solution. 3) Use a sterile syringe to withdraw 10 ml of urine. 4) Label the urine specimen. 5) Place in a biohazard bag. 6) Document the procedure.

Answer to question 27:
The most therapeutic statement for the nurse to offer to a family of a child who has just died is to express condolences and offer support. The nurse can also provide information on grief counseling, funeral arrangements, and other resources.

Answer to question 28:
A correct understanding of the teaching for a parent of a child with nephrotic syndrome includes monitoring the child’s urine output and protein levels, following a low-sodium and low-fat diet, administering medications as prescribed, monitoring for signs of infection, and attending follow-up appointments.

Answer to question 29:
The mother plays the role of a primary caregiver when insisting on providing care for the child with a chronic illness and tracheotomy. The nurse should respect the mother’s involvement in the care and work collaboratively to facilitate communication and decision-making.

Answer to question 30:
Postoperative care for an infant after a cleft-lip repair should include monitoring for complications, administering pain management medications, maintaining adequate hydration and nutrition, and providing wound care and respiratory support as needed.

Answer to question 31:
To fulfill the role of advocate for the adolescent client scheduled for surgery, the nurse should clarify the procedure, risks, benefits, and alternatives of surgery with the healthcare provider and ensure that the parent or guardian fully understands the information before proceeding with surgery.

Answer to question 32:
The nurse should explain that NSAIDs have anti-inflammatory effects and are used to reduce pain and inflammation in JRA. Acetaminophen, on the other hand, is used primarily as an analgesic or pain reliever.

Answer to question 33:
Ingestion of a large quantity of acetaminophen can cause liver damage. The treatment for acetaminophen poisoning includes activated charcoal, N-acetylcysteine, and monitoring of liver function tests.

Answer to question 34:
The nurse should explain to the child that healthcare workers wear gowns and masks in reverse isolation to protect the child from exposure to germs or infections that could cause serious illness or complications.

Answer to question 35:
Using lemon glycerin swabs to clean mucosal ulcers in a child receiving chemotherapy could cause irritation, discomfort, or further injury to the affected area. The nurse should use gentle saline solution or other prescribed methods that are safe and effective.

Answer to question 36:
The nurse should plan to assess the client with the highest acuity or priority first, based on the triage system and the client’s condition.

Answer to question 37:
Postural drainage is useful for respiratory conditions such as cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it is not typically used for asthma.

Answer to question 38:
The nurse should question the order to administer rectal acetaminophen suppository

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